A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Angel Cat Pet Adoptions  ©  2009 - 2025   All Rights Reserved
Website developed and maintained by Website to the Rescue
If you are interested in adopting one of our available compaions,
please complete the adoption application in detail.  All fields are required. 
If a field does not apply, please enter "not applicable" or "none".

Prior to applying for one of our companions, please review our Adoption Requirements [click here]. 
If you are approved for the adoption, you will be required to agree to these terms.

When finished, enter the code as shown below, then click the submit button.
Your application will be reviewed and a volunteer will contact you as soon as possible.
If you are having difficulty submitting this application online,
CLICK HERE to download a printable application in PDF format.
If you are not contacted within five (5) days of submitting your application it means it was NOT approved.
City, State, Zip
Email Address
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Name of Spouse/Significant Other
or Emergency Contact and Phone
Years There

Name of desired cat or kitten
Second Choice
Sex Male
No Preference
Desired Age
Energy Level Low (lap cat)
High (very playful)
Reason for Adopting Family Companion
Companion for Pet
For Child
Experience with Pets First time pet owner
Had pets growing up
Have had a couple
Have had many

What type of home do you live in? House
Condo / Townhouse
Mobile Home
Military Housing
If Other, please explain:
How long have you lived there?
Do you own or rent? Own  Rent  Live with parents
If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to have pets? Yes  No
If you rent, please provide your landlord's name and phone number Name: 
List any additional people living in your household and their ages
Would you allow a home inspection by our personnel? Yes  No
Who will be responsible for the cat's care?
(feeding, litterbox, taking to vet)
Age of primary caregiver of cat
Is anyone in your home allergic to animals Yes  No  Don't Know
Do you or have you owned any cats? Yes  No
If Yes, have they been Felv/Fiv tested? Yes  No
Are they or were they declawed? Yes  No
Will your new cat be declawed? Yes  No
Does or did your cat(s) go outside? Yes  No
Will your new cat be allowed on/in: Patio
Do you have a doggie door? Yes  No
Where will the new cat be kept? Indoor/Outdoor
Indoor Only
Outdoor Only
How much time will the new cat spend outside?
Cats and kittens are known to chew/claw furniture, carpets, drapes, and dig in potted plants, etc.
How will you deal with this problem?
Children may be scratched or bitten by a pet (especially playful kittens).
How will you handle it?
On the first night home, where will the cat stay?
How soon after the cat arrives will it be left alone?
How many hours a day will the cat be left alone?
How often do you travel/vacation?
Who will care for your cat when gone? Friend/Relative
House Sitter
If other, please explain:
What would happen to the cat if you were to move?
In what situation would you consider giving up this cat? Divorce
New Baby
Litterbox Problems
If other, explain:
Name of current/past Veterinarian and Phone number Name: 
Name of animal(s) treated
Are you aware that cats need regular vaccinations & required routine veterinary care? Yes  No
Are you willing and financially able to provide veterinary care if the cat becomes sick or injured? Yes  No
What would you do if your cat required expensive veterinary care?
The life span of a cat may be up to 20 years.  Are you prepared to care for this cat for its' natural life? Yes  No
Do you have someone who will care for the cat if you are unable to? Yes  No
Please provide us with the following information for that person:
Phone Number
City, State, Zip

If you currently have pets, please provide the following information 
Current Pet #1
Name: Type of Pet (dog, cat, bird, etc.): Breed:
Age: Sex: Spayed/Neutered:
Indoors/Outdoors: Temperament: How Long Owned:

Current Pet #2
Name: Type of Pet (dog, cat, bird, etc.): Breed:
Age: Sex: Spayed/Neutered:
Indoors/Outdoors: Temperament: How Long Owned:

If you have owned pets in the past, please provide the following information:

Past Pet #1
Name Type of Pet (dog, cat, bird, etc.): Breed
Age Sex Spayed/Neutered
Indoors/Outdoors: How long owned Status of Pet
If deceased, what was the cause and when did that happen?        

Past Pet #2
Name Type of Pet (dog, cat, bird, etc.): Breed
Age Sex Spayed/Neutered
Indoors/Outdoors: How long owned Status of Pet
If deceased, what was the cause and when did that happen?        

Past Pet #3
Name Type of Pet (dog, cat, bird, etc.): Breed
Age Sex Spayed/Neutered
Indoors/Outdoors: How long owned Status of Pet
If deceased, what was the cause and when did that happen?        


I attest that the answers and information that I have given in this application are true and factual to the best of my knowledge and that I have not misrepresented myself in any way.   I understand that the completion of this application does not guarantee me the adoption of an Angel Cat Pet Adoptions cat and that Angel Cat Pet Adoptions has the right to decline my application for adoption for any reason.

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